We started our week with Grits for Grands! The kids loved showing off their grandparent(s) and classroom!
This week we completed a unit of study on the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We started by exploring a coconut.
We’re coming up with some great designs in the fine motor center.
Putting together an ABC puzzle
We then pointed to the letters and sang the ABC song.
For one of our math lessons, we discussed measuring and comparing lengths. We had the task of finding the classmate who had the same length strip.
In art, we used bingo markers to stamp the letters in our name. Next week, we will measure our name to see how many hands long and cubes long our name is.
Bowling for Numbers was a very popular center this week!
Stamping upper case and lower case letters in the writing center
We love our parent volunteers!
making Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees at Mrs. Williams table
To make our tree, we tore paper to change shapes and create new objects . They will be displayed in the hallway. For one of our math lessons we tasted coconut and graphed if we liked it.
After EVERY student spit the coconut out, Mrs. Robinson decided to give it a taste and I’m glad she did! Well…our coconut was no good! Mrs. Robinson said it tasted just like soap! Good thing I had coconut milk! The kids loved it, so we based our taste test on the coconut milk. Next time I’ll have a bag of shaved coconut as a back-up!
We enjoyed painting on the easel for the 1st time. We practiced painting and labeling our pictures.