Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa Makes a Visit!

A special thanks to Blake's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford for planning this special visitor to come to our class and for the awesome Santa gifts. We all know how busy Santa is and GREATLY appreciate his time! Each of us were able to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what we wanted. Don't worry'll see a picture of your child on Santa's lap very soon!

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

This kids had a busy, fun and festive week! They had a great time writing clues for their classmates to guess what their present was!
They made potato cakes from scratch. They even shredded the potatoes!


They each had to wash their potato before shredding it.

Building a Christmas Tree Glyph
They even traced and cut out the tree.

Measuring objects using candy canes

Our finished product of the Christmas Tree Glyph

Using the Smartboard to make our lunch choice

Blake built a toy in the blocks center!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

All Aboard!

This week we had a lot of fun studying trains! Marble Works was a big hit in the science center. It was a difficult task, but with a little team work we were able to build some complex marble coasters!
In dramatic arts, we are decorating a house for Christmas. Our favorite is to decorate the tree.

In the math center we had to roll a dice and the 1st person to build a train, using unifix cubes, the length of the string won!
Rhyming family trains!

We played the Teen Frame math game! It was very interesting doing this whole group!

Solving addition problems using counters and white boards
We wrote train addition stories in centers this week.

After reading The Little Engine that Could, we built a train by following directions. We then wrote a predictable chart of what we could do and added it to our picture.