Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rhyme Time

This week we started studying nursery rhymes. After reading Humpty Dumpty, we ate hard boiled eggs.
After reading Jack Be Nimble, we make candles from a banana, pineapple and cherry.

We made two mice from cookies, icing, chocolate chips, and fruit roll-ups.

Sorting buttons by color, shape, and size

learning to use a tape measure

putting numbers in order

Enjoying a good book in the reading center
We re-wrote the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty. We're making it into a class book, so look for it soon!

Julian's mom volunteered to help us in the writing center.

putting letters in order and matching lower case to upper case

tracing nursery rhyme characters in the fine motor center

We loved retelling fairy tales in the dramatic arts center.

We built some wonderful castles in the blocks center.

Friday, September 17, 2010

So much fun!

This week was filled with fun as we concluded our unit about Myself and Others. Just check it out!

This was our last week of home living. It will be changing to a castle for fairy tale retelling.

In the writing center we learned how to use our ABC Journal.

We spent all week in the art center creating paper dolls that looked like us.

Our 1st step to creating our paper doll was to paint a paper plate with our skin color.

In the science center we had to match baby animals to their mothers.

We labeled body parts in the science center.

We created patterns in math.