Friday, February 4, 2011

More Bits and Pieces

It was an exciting week! We celebrated Groundhog's Day and the 100th Day! exploring shadows in science
searching for HF words in big books

Racing to 100!

writing our name over and over until we filled 100 squares
We then colored a pattern.

creating groundhogs with Miss Jenkins
After we created our groundhog, we had to give one fact we learned about groundhogs. We turned it into a class book, so look for it soon!

We have really enjoyed partner reading during our 100 Book Challenge reading time.

Bits and Pieces

Celebrating the 100th Day!
Sorting our snack into groups of 10.

Reading books about solids and liquids
creating snowflakes in art

Reading our Time Magazine article about the Arctic
We wrote stories about a character we created using wallpaper.

Completing a science experiment on solids and liquids

Painting snow pictures in art

How many "ice cubes", sugar cubes, can we stack?

Writing ordinal numbers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th and drawing pictures to match

Children's Museum

Last week we had a blast at the Children's Museum in Greenville. We made a movie of our trip, but it was too big to upload. We hope you enjoy some of the pictures instead.