Sunday, January 31, 2010

100 Items Displays!

Our home project this week was to display 100 items in a creative way! Check out some of our ideas. I'm missing some pictures, they're on my camera at school. I'll add them soon!

100 screws

100 sea shells

100 hair bands

100th Day of School Celebrations!

Tuesday was the 100th Day of School. We celebrated all week by doing 100th Day activities. Check it out! building with 100 straws in blocks

While reading the book Count 100 Cherrios, we had to count 100 Cherrios in groups of 10

On the 100th Day, we made a snack that had 100 items. We had 10 stations set up and at each station we put 10 items in our bag. Yum! Yum!

100 Days Smarter Crown! This project took us all morning! We had to go to 10 stations and at each station put 10 items on our strip.

Our last week having School in the Dramatic Arts center

Race to 100!

Writing 100 words or letters in the writing center

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ezra Jack Keats

After reading books by Ezra Jack Keats, we created our own characters using stencils, wallpaper, and patterned paper.

Winter Time Fun!

We earned all our Tiger Stripes and had an ice cream party. We have to earn 10 compliments from adults who are not our teachers and when we do, we get to have the reward that we voted on as a class.
Turn and share! We were working on using good descriptive words, so we turned to our neighbor and gave them clues about our favorite animal. Using the clues we had to guess what it was. They really did well with this and had fun!

Sorting buttons by shape, color, and size
It was a little tough to sort by color because they had to read the color words to sort.

We worked on estimating as we were finding out how many objects our glove/mittens would hold. We had to test a small unit and a large unit and discussed why the glove held more or less of a particular unit.

Kindergarten Yahtzee! They just love this math game! The would skip the computer center to finish playing.

Putting calendar dates in order and writing the numbers

We had to dictate a story about our Good Stuff Snowman. We displayed the snowmen and the stories in the hallway.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Our Field Trip to the Children's Museum!

This week we took the best field trip! We went to the Children's Museum in Greenville. It was 3 stories of total fun! This is an amazing place to take your family. We were able to explore the museum in groups of 5 for 1.5 hrs. We could have stayed all day! There were parts of the museum we didn't even make it to. Below you will find pictures of our day. Because we were in groups of 5, I was not able to get pictures of all the kids while they were in the museum. I tried to get a few shots of groups as I spied them!
waiting in line to get a wrist band to enter the museum..the alarm would activate if we tried to leave the museum with the wrist band on

Before touring the museum, we had a 30 min. cooking demonstration. We made homemade salsa.

The climbing sculpture was a lot of fun and a little scary. It was made of clear plastic sheets, (strong enough to hold a car) hanging by steel ropes. It went from the 2nd floor to the 3rd floor.

I had to pull the boys away from the car station!

You could build a race car and test it on different terrains.

The Pit Crew!

The wind tunnel

There was a grocery store center. The kids could shop for 10 items and check them out!

The exercise center!

Checking out the groceries!

Decorating cakes in the grocery store

Hanging on!

We rode the elevator when I couldn't find the stairs. I don't think we were suppose ride it, but they had fun!