Friday, May 7, 2010

Peace Center Field Trip

This week we went on our last field trip of the year. We went to Cleveland Park and to the Peace Center to see the play Charlotte's Web. The kids were wonderful and had a fun time! Watching them play on this equipment scared me!

Finding some shade! It was a very warm day!

Mrs. Robinson having lunch with her grandson.

I think their favorite part was going back and forth in the chairs. We had front row seats!




and gone!

Diggin' Dinos!

One of the most rewarding parts of teaching kindergarten is see the growth the kids make from August to May. The each arrive to school a little unsure of themselves and insecure. To see these kids makes me so proud of them. They have become so independent! After putting dinosaur number words in order, we practiced writing them. In the Mexican Restaurant, we put number words 0-10 in order. They were written in Spanish.

They really enjoy playing math games together.
One of the kids favorite parts of the week is the estimating jar. Each week we put a new item in a different size jar and estimate how many pieces of candy are in the jar. We have all week, during centers, to make an estimate. If we try, at the end of the week, we get to sample the candy. If we estimate the correct number, we get to take the jar of candy home.

We got a little messy digging for fossils in the science center.

We enjoyed finding all the different treasures in the fossil mounds. It was hard work to find them!

Each morning the kids have a writing assignment to complete in their journals. They enjoy reading their journals to the class. We were sharing about our favorite part of the field trip.