Friday, August 27, 2010

Our Little Darlings!

This week, my doctor asked me the nick name I had for my "new crop" of kids. Nick name? Well..I've never had a nick name for my class, so I told him they're my little darlings! They really are! This is our 2nd week of school and we've been busy! From a fire drill to sewer problems, we've covered it all.This class loves to paint! We've been very impressed with their work.

I have a feeling we'll be painting every week!

This week, we started our calendar math time and started using the Smartboard. It was like magic to them!

Mrs. Robinson says that I'm never in any of the pictures, so she decided to snap one. It was a very exciting time....assessing. It's not my favorite, but I have to do it. I'd much rather be working on a project with the kids.

We learned how to use a pocket chart and matched letters.

We are also practicing how to write using D'Nealian font. I really don't like it, nor do I think it's appropriate for them, but the district says I have to. The kids are catching on.

Working on counting in the math center

We learned to play our 1st game, Memory. It was great practice in taking turns and giving "I-messages" when we didn't like what our friends were doing.

learning to lace in the fine motor center

We had our 1st Tiger Cub of the Week interview. The Tiger Cub gets to pick people from the "audience" to come to the front, to ask them questions.

A former student came to visit us today. He earned $10 in Tiger Cub cash and bought 10 minutes with us. We felt so honored! We loved having him visit, the kids did too! I can't believe he's in 2nd grade.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Our 1st Week of School!

We've had a wonderful 1st week of school. We are meeting new friends, working hard, and learning a lot of rules. After our morning meeting, we start our day by working in centers. The kids worked so well in centers that we were able to have free choice centers on Friday.
This was the 1st group to put together the alphabet train.

enjoying a few minutes of relaxation in the reading center

working with colored rice in the science center

fine motor center

Mr. Bolger stopped by our classroom on the 1st day of school. He was very impressed with how well we were working in centers.

To learn more about our school, we went on a treasure hunt!

On our hunt, we learned where the nurse's office was.

making Little Blue and Little Yellow cookies

The pirate was very tricky, we found his treasure when we returned to our classroom. It was a delicious cup of chocolate pudding, with M&Ms, topped with "dirt".

On Thursday, we had to find a table that had the 1st letter of our name. We covered the letter with Fruit Loops.

On Wednesday, we read a book about how we are all different and special. Then we decorated cookies with icing and any kind of sprinkles we wanted.

RECESS!! We don't need to explain!